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Theoretical Astrophysics group Cologne - TAC

Our research deals with the numerical modelling of the star formation process by means of high-performance, 3D, magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) simulations. The simulations cover large spatial scales from ISM physics on kpc scales over molecular clouds on scales of 10 - 100 pc to star forming filaments on (sub-) pc scales and finally to protostellar discs and jets on scales of 10 - 1000 AU.

In our research group we use several tools like the (M)HD codes FLASH, GADGET, GANDALF, the astrochemical code KROME, 3D-PDR or radiative transport codes like RADMC-3D and POLARIS.

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Walch-Gassner is the head of the SILCC project (SImulating the life Cyle of molecular Clouds), a collaboration of several European astrophysical institutes, which has set the aim to model the formation, evolution, and dispersal of molecular clouds in 3D, MHD simulations with particular focus on a detailed astro-chemical modelling and the inclusion of various feedback processes.

Contact information:

  • Phone: (+49|0) 221 / 470 - 3497
  • Fax: (+49|0) 221 / 470 - 5162
  • Email: walch [at]

Consultation hours

upon agreement in Room 1.14, Building 312 

It’s all about cooling: thermal X-ray emission from supernova remnants in 3D simulations

Figure 1 Evolution of the X-ray flux from the SNR (slice plot) in different energy bands (from left to right, see the title for each panel). The emission in 8+ keV band fades away at the very early stage as it is almost completely optically thin and the softest bands (0.1-1.2 keV) stay the longest time and are typically observed for real SNRs using X-ray telescopes like Chandra or XMM-Newton (Makarenko et al., in prep.)