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The pipeline that lets you parallelize multiple RADMC3D synthetic observations directly from FLASH simulation data.




Find FLASHPP-Pipeline documentaion here.

Define Regions

You can choose regions within your FLASH simulation which will be cut out and parsed into the right format for RADMC3D.

Choose Tracers

Define tracers, their transitions and the wavelength regime which you want to observe.

Parallize your work

The pipeline creates a seperate shell script for each synthetic observation which allows the user to easily parallelize his work for multiple snapshots of the simulation.

Adjustable to your needs

Add new tracers, calculate densities or modify files to your needs. The code is simple structured which allows the user to add their own code.


This pipeline is written in Python 2.7 and uses mainly the packages NumPy, Astropy and SciPy. Some of the routines for extracting the data need additional packages like H5py or YT which are all not included in the pipeline and need to be installed by the user.

Included in the pipeline are two RADMC3D distributions where one is modified to make synthetic observations using the spin-temperature which is used for the tracer C+.

Current main options for the pipeline:

  • Input data
    • FLASH simulation snapshots
    • Octtrees (created using the QuickFlash routine map FLASH data)
  • Tracers
    • H, C, C+12CO, C18O and 13CO
    • further tracers can be added by the user
  • Directions
    • Multiple directions can be defined by the user in the settings file.


Pierre Nürnberger Email: