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How to write your proceedings article

All articles must be prepared using this LaTeX-template and uploaded by November 30, 2022. Upload must use the Sciebo-Folder (the URL is in the template-PDF file of the LaTeX-template). All elements of an article must be combined in a single archive file, either in ZIP or TAR.GZ format. The archive should contain the LaTeX source of the article, all figures in PDF or PNG format, and the output of your local compile of the article in PDF format as a reference for the intended setting. Each archive file must only contain the components of a single article.

To allow us to distiguish and assign the individual files, the uploaded file must follow the naming convention


where Talk or Poster is to be used depending on the character of the conference distribution, the names should represent the first author of the publication, the optional extension _number can be used if there are multiple contributions from the same first author, numbering them, and the suffix should be zip, tar.gz or tgz depending on the archive packer used. Poster_Ossenkopf-Okada_Volker.tgz would thus represent a valid file name. Uploaded files cannot be overwritten. If you notice an error in your contribution you should upload the corrected version with an extension _revised.

Strict page limits apply. The number of pages must not exceed 3 for posters and contributed talks, 5 for invited talks, and 7 for reviews.

Abstract Book

The online version of the Abstract Book can be downloaded here.